Textfeld: curriculum vitae



Robert Geise


curriculum vitae





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Textfeld: Working experience

since 08/2018:	Professor for theoretical electrical engineering and electromagnetic compatibility at university of applied science for telecommunication Leipzig.

Since 08/2010:	Post-Doc at the institute for electromagnetic compatibility 	and leader of the working group „scaled ILS“ leader of the 	projects „Sk-ILS“ und „min-VOR-Win“, Navant-NG“. 

06/2004-08/2010:	Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für 	Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit an der TU 	Braunschweig

Habilitation and Ph.D.


   11/2018:                      cumulative habilitation „investigations on disturbances of radio channels“ with the venia legendi in high frequency engineering.

   08/2010:                      PhD at the institute for electromagnetic compatibility

                                        at the  TU Braunschweig with the thesis „scaled                                         measurements of bistatic radar cross sections and landing                                         course disturbances of the ILS“

Textfeld: academic education

10/1998 – 09/2000 :	basic study of electrical engineering at the
	Technischen Universität Braunschweig
10/2000 – 03/2003 :	main study period with focus on high frequency engineering 	and information technology 
student thesis :	„field calculations on bent microstrip lines“
major thesis:	„development of a network analyzer for automatic 	monitoring of humidity in building structures“
05/2004 : 	graduation as Dipl.-Ing.
Textfeld: additional skills

foreign languages: 	English fluently, Japanese B1
IT-knowlegde :	high frequency simulation  CST-Microwave Studio, Matlab, 	circuit layout software, Eagle, MS Office, MS Project, Basic 	for Android, VBA

military service


07/1997 – 04/1998 :       basic military service in Munster